Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Back in 1998 or - 99 we played with bb guns, spring pistols with some friends. Back then there was no association, and the playing soon died and we moved apart. Life goes on as they say. I later that the first association was founded in 2004, and a second some time later. One of my best friends was a Co founder of an association in 2008, in Vaasa and he invited me to a real game summer 2013. He had 3 whole sets of gear: SvD sniper, Aks-74u and a colt 1911 with hi-cap mag. The game was intense, and more realistic with the gear and almost realistic weapons than I imagined. I got my spark for the hobby, it began there and then. In December 2013 I ordered my first real airsoft assault rifle, natural choice of weapon was the Rk95tp copy (Gk99) from G&g since I used the very same weapon in the military. My friend from Vaasa had moved back down south and the playing began. I will make a whole new post about the weapon later. When I vent trough some stuff in my cellar, I found my first spring pistol (Beretta M9) from back in the days. I also found my latest spring pistol a P228. The guns in between had gone missing or was thrown away. This brought back some memories, we now plan with a group to play a big game where we played as kids. that'll do for now, signing out!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

About the blog


My name is Janne, and I'm from Finland. My blog will contain bigger projects, work stuff and hobbies. I'm a amateur photographer, I play the guitar, I fly RC multicopters and collective pitch helicopters. I also Airsoft, and lately I will combine photography, airsoft and multicopter flying.

I served in the Finnish military in 2007, as a peacekeeper / landing craft driver. Since 2008 I've woked as a production manager at a local print house.

that'll do for now, over and out!